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Trapped in the British Museum
(Thieves of the Ton, Book 7)

Some of the sweetest things are memories that life is built from.

Miles Lawrence Hawkins, the fifth Earl of Archewyne, is on a rather urgent mission. He must visit the British Museum in London for the express purpose of finding and taking back an Egyptian relic that once belonged to his father, for it is needed on an upcoming dig. If he’s fortunate, he’ll have it hand in a twinkling and be on his way.

Emmaline, the Countess of Archewyne, is thrilled that the new adventure in her life won’t come with danger nipping at their heels or people chasing them with murder in their hearts. A quick and simple trip to London is just the thing to fire her excitement. Perhaps she’ll cajole Miles into kissing her in the Egyptian gallery, where their first mission for the Crown began.

Their task careens down an unexpected path when they cannot immediately locate the Egyptian statuette. Throughout the extended search, they must elude the night watchmen while locked in the museum after dark. Miles and his wife revisit memories of their past as they pave their future with new ones. No matter how strong their romance, somehow they have to find a way out with their reputations intact and the treasure secured lest all their dreams come to naught.