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An Impossible Match
(Hasting Sisters, Book 3)

She’s impulsive and improper. He’s strait-laced and above reproach. Together, they’re an impossible match.

Miss Genevieve Hasting aspires to loftier heights than becoming a companion like her two older sisters. Though she despises weak-willed men, society’s rules, proper deportment, and stays, she’s willing to suffer them if it means a life of leisure as well as being a wife to a titled gentleman. Too bad her father’s country estate offers no delicious scandals. It’s dull and there aren’t many men that catch her eye, so she consents to become a governess to an exceedingly handsome man. Doesn’t matter he’s attached to the church.

Mr. Thomas Alderman is a country vicar who has enjoyed his living over the years after he’d finished sowing wild oats. Though his good looks make him extremely popular with the ladies of his congregation, he hasn’t given marriage much thought, for in his youth, he had been quite the rogue, but he left that behind when he received his calling to minister. When Miss Hastings slips into his church one glorious sunny morning, he’s thrown into confusion, for he’s not that man any longer.

An unexpected but quite passionate relationship springs between them before either of them realizes it’s happening. Though Gigi enjoys being a governess to his nieces, she also amuses herself by seducing the handsome vicar, even if he’s not what she wants for her future. And as much as Thomas adores revisiting the man he used to be, Miss Hasting isn’t the type of woman he needs by his side now. Unless they stop hiding from their true desires, their summertime fling won’t develop into a lasting bond, and might destroy them both with scandal.