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A Garden Affair
(Scandalous Shorts, Book 4)

Elinor Bennett's days of spying on her handsome neighbor—now husband—might be over, but her penchant for watching him is still her favorite hobby, especially when he's sans clothing. Yet some of the illicit excitement she felt during the early days of courtship have faded. How to rekindle that spark?

Geoffrey Ansley has been kept busy with solicitor work for the village he's adopted, but time between the sheets with his new bride is at a premium. He remembers their scandalous past fondly and though he and Elinor had made bed sport wicked then, would she still want the same now that she is respectably wed?

Imagine Elinor's surprise when she peeps on her husband in the garden and finds him completely naked and very much aroused. Sexual games abound amidst the fragrant blooms and as passion erupts into glorious color, a new aspect to their relationship is revealed.